Hope in the Valley uses Justgiving.com to make it quick and easy for donations. One tap or a click on the JustGiving image above will take you directly to our donation page. Or you can visit https://www.justgiving.com/hopeinthevalley to donate.
If you are undertaking a fund-raising event you can nominate Hope in the Valley RDA Group as your chosen charity and use JustGiving as an effective fund-raising tool.
Hope in the Valley survives purely on donations and we welcome any contributions that you feel able to give. And remember, as a charity, your donation can also be registered for Gift Aid, so make sure you say ‘yes’ to Gift-Aid when asked and we receive an extra 25% of your kind contribution!

Donations by bank transfer or post
Please Contact Us for our bank details.
Cheques can be made payable to Hope in the Valley RDA Group and sent to our postal address- see Contact Us.
- Sponsor a pony’s keep for a year £2210
- Sponsor a pony’s shoes for a year £960
- Production of the Annual Review £350 (with an acknowledgement or your advert, as appropriate)
- Sponsor an event such as the costs of taking a team to Hickstead for the Regional Dressage competition £300